Advanced Aeration Technologies
Tulare Lake Compost Facility
Kettleman City, CA
24 dry tons per day
100,000 wet tons per year
Project Completed 2013
BacTee aeration flooring system used in conjunction with ASPs
Tulare Lake Compost (TLC) is a state-of-the-art 175 acre composting facility located near Kettleman City in King's County, California. At the facility, an eco-fiendly process is used to combine agricultural and green waste from California's Central Valley with biosolids from Los Angeles County to create an optimal mixture for composting. TLC employs the covered aerated static pile (ASP) composting process in which air is forced through piles of compost mixture to provide oxygen for microbial decomposition.
Engineered fabric covers or a biofilter is placed over the composting piles to capture and reduce both odors and organic emissions from the piles. The facility currently has the capacity to convert up to 100,000 wet tons per year (wtpy) of anaerobically digested and dewatered biosolids into valuable, nutrient rich, Class A Exceptional Quality Compost. The BacTee aeration floor system was used in the biofilter that treats odorous air from the mixing and receiving building.