Advanced Aeration Technologies

GFL Delta
Location: Delta, B.C., Canada / Capacity: 100,000 tons per year / Project Completed: 2020
GFL Delta is a composting facility owned and operated by GLF Environmental, and serves the greater Metro Vancouver area. The facility first opened in 2007, mostly handling food industry and agricultural waste. The facility continued to grow to process approximately 90,000 tons of organic waste.
With facility growth came increased complaints from the local community about the odors emanating from the facility. GFL, the city of Delta, and the Metro Vancouver authority all saw the need to make serious changes to the facility in order to improve the air quality and odors around GFL Delta.

GFL Environmental committed to turn the facility into a fully enclosed composting site, using BacTee’s experience on the Inland Empire Regional Composting Facility (IERCF) as a reference for excellent odor control in a large-scale compost facility. GFL and the project team turned to BacTee Systems to address the project's very specific odor control needs in treating 330,000 cfm of ventilation exhaust air from the facility. The new enclosed facility began operation in September, 2020, utilizing the BacTee aeration floor system in both the process bays and biofilter.